10 ways in which we make it easier to Manage your Business

Enhance Tally
Software@Work brings to you an array of products & solutions, solving major business challenges and making it easier to run your business.

1. Problem: Don’t have an overview of business operations and real-time visibility of data for decision making. You have too much data thrown at you but not enough information to be able to take quick and effective decisions

Our Solution: We help convert your Tally data into interactive graphical dashboards which can be accessed from anywhere – over the web or mobile. Get faster & smarter reports for Better Decision Making, Quicker Gap Recognition, Accurate Forecasts & more.

Get an analysis of:

  • Your Sales – Brand wise, location-wise, Territory or sales-person wise
  • Your best customers, inactive customers
  • Your inventory movement & ageing
  • Business trends, Receivables analysis  & much more

Cost: Starts at Rs.999 per month

magentabi Setup scaled Compress
Map View with Mac Compress
agring report
receved payment

2. Problem: No approval process for procurement & expenses leading to inefficiencies and delays. No visibility of payables

Our Solution:Define a workflow and approve transactions in Tally from anywhere with the availability of document attachment & audit trail

Bills sent by vendors over email (in JPG, PDF formats) will get auto extracted and posted to Tally after approval.  NO DATA ENTRY required.

Cost: Starts at Rs. 2,000 per month (includes many more features in addition to the above )

3.Problem: Manual, costly & inefficient  payment follow-ups & delays in collections

Our Solution: Send automated payment reminders directly from Tally via Email, Whatsapp & more to ensure timely collections and reduced manpower costs. Management can drill down from Debtors Aging on our Dashboard to Invoices and from Invoices to back and forth communication between Sales and Customer and keep a close tab on the Collection activity.

Cost: Starts at Rs. 500 per month

forecast chart

4.Problem: No visibility of cash flows. Despite manual effort, much time is spent on cash forecasting and planning.

Our Solution: Cash forecasting to give you visibility of expected cash flows after taking into consideration due dates for all receivables and payables. Get a short-term or long-term Excel-like forecast from Tally data instantly. Smart alerts are also provided for better management of Payments and Collections

Cost: Starts at Rs. 2,000 per month (includes many more features in addition to the above )

5. Problem:  Taking orders manually via Email & Whatsapp. No visibility & tracking of orders

Our Solution: Have an e-commerce portal like Amazon, Flipkart to directly take orders from your customers. This will help to increase efficiency & customer satisfaction

  • Get live status of stock & dispatches
  • Give customer real-time updates
  • Summary & trend reports

Cost:  Starts at Rs. 5,000 per month

payment getway
payment getway
sale stricture
document details
sale vouchers

6.Problem: Documents not available on demand & is time-consuming searching for them

Our Solution: Attach supporting documents to any transaction type in Tally for easy future reference & audit purpose

Cost: Starts at Rs.3,600 (One time cost)

7.Problem: Lack of control in GST input credits/loss of revenue due to ITC not being available

Our Solution: Accurate, automated matching is done to ensure full ITC is claimed. Any mismatches are emailed to Vendors for resolution

Cost: Starts at Rs.500 per month

Reconciliation summary
ITC Recovery summary
tally prime
tally prime
Gateway of tally

8.Problem: Team is not enabled for remote work impacting business continuity. Access to Tally is restricted to a few accounts staff and hence other team members do not have accurate data to work efficiently

Our Solution:Host your Tally, Business apps & data on the cloud to allow your users to work from anywhere, anytime. In addition, web-enable Tally reports so that all authorized users have access to the info required to make them productive eg. Salespeople having updated data of bills overdue, etc.

It also helps to cut down IT costs of a server, its maintenance  & manpower

Cost: Starts at Rs.750 per month per user + Web dashboard module starting Rs.999 per month

9.Problem: Lack of collaboration due to different software used in each department

Our Solution: Use one integrated platform to manage your entire business – Accounting, Sales, Production, Inventory, Customers, HR & more

Real-time data sharing & visibility between departments

Cost: Starts at Rs.80,000 (one-time cost)

financial accounting
project managment
payroll and expense tracking
magentabi Setup scaled Compress
Map View with Mac Compress
agring report

10.Problem:  Dependency on staff for generating reports

Our Solution: All reports and a dashboard are available on-demand on the web or mobile. Report scheduling is enabled so a daily email with specified info is sent to Management.

Cost: Starts at Rs.999 per month

Software@Work, backed with 30-years of experience in Tally & delivering affordable software solutions to SME’s can help you undergo digitization needed for your business to thrive

To know more you can email us at [email protected] or call on 7303030000