UncategorizedDecember 17, 2020by admin

Searching for business software ? 3 things you may be doing wrong

Trying to select new software for your startup, SME or large enterprise?

Choosing the right application for your company is an important task. However, many Business Heads and Software Procurement personnel struggle to figure out which software they should choose.

There have been many gaffes in software purchase too.

  • Incorrect specifications
  • Obsolete technology
  • Somebody at the top just decided they needed something new.

On a serious note, wrong software purchase can sap the energy of the employees, cause friction between teams and sometimes doom a company financially.

Here is the process that companies go through when picking  any B2B software application.

  1. Google search
  2. Use software-comparison tools
  3. Calling a large number of vendors

Let’s look at each one of them in detail.

Google Search

Google is the biggest search engine commanding 70% of the search engine market and one’s first instinct is to use its search tools to find that elusive piece of software that your team needs. So chances are high that you might use Google to help find a CRM tool for your enterprise.

The problem is that Google is too good at what it does. Just notice how many results Google gives for the search of the broad term CRM. suppose you use “best CRM in Mumbai”, you still get 6,69,000 results. With only ten results showing up in a page, it will take you a significant amount of time to sift through the results to find the one you need. The right one may be on page 7 and you might have even overlooked it if you had the time and energy to get beyond that page!

The results that show up in the opening pages are those for websites with good SEO tools. Sometimes, they might not be the best tools for the job, it just means that Google can find them the easiest, and relevant to the general audience looking for a CRM.

Some tools or websites may be irrelevant, outdated, or defunct. It becomes a problem of plenty, and you have to choose from a plethora of options. How long can you afford to take? Chances are that you have other important priorities to attend to and the now critical CRM search forces you to waste valuable and precious time.

You cannot delegate this task to interns or lower staff members. This task is important and requires an expert in the field to analyse and decide which software tool is the best.

Software Comparison Sites

Web Trends

Google search is a great option but can be a time hog. So you might decide to try to use a software comparison site to get what you need.

Here’s a list of common software recommendation sites: These are just some of the ones we found with a quick search and there are many more out there. All of these websites have their own tools and techniques: Which one do you trust?


Once again, you have to go through the tedious process of filtering each one down to your particular needs and selecting the best fit. There are so many options that don’t suit your particular needs.

Sometimes the research site is itself controlled by a larger corporation, therefore it will only promote the products of the parent company or generate fake reviews about the competitors or avoid mentioning them at all.

The worst part is that at the end of the whole process, you might still end up with software sub par in quality.

Calling Your Vendors

Calling vendors

At this point, you might think to skip the middleman altogether and just call the vendor yourself. How many are you aware of? Should you call the Independent Software Vendor (ISV), their Software Reseller, or Implementation Partner?

Unless you are absolutely sure, this could turn out to be another mistake. The vendors may look out for themselves, and driven by the lure of the large sales bonus possibly hide any shortcomings in the software hoping to get you to buy the product. Meeting their sales targets becomes their priority. There is a conflict of interest here.

Also, without trained professionals to guide you, you have minimal negotiating power and could unknowingly pay a higher amount for a product you could have gotten for lower.

Asking the vendor yourself is akin to consulting a doctor who only offers one brand of medicine for everything. It may work once but not always.

What’s the solution?

You need a smart third party advisor to deal with such matters, but this party shouldn’t be affiliated themselves with any of the software providers. An independent software consulting team should be high on your list of calls to make while selecting software applications for your company. Wow! Is there such kind of service?

Enter SoftwareHunt.

SoftwareHunt will help you find the right software by following a time-tested process wherein we:

  1. List the current challenges
  2. Define and clarify the need, both current and near future
  3. Map  needs to available solutions
  4. Get unbiased advice & select the right software / service provider

SoftwareHunt  comes from the people who founded Software@Work. Started in 1991, we continue to provide dedicated services to our clients with the same passion and verve as when we started.

No software advisory tool can be perfect, but we have been operating for over two decades, have high client satisfaction levels, and offer a range of services and solutions designed to help SMEs and large enterprises.

We keep up with what’s happening in the software comparison space and diligently follow up to bring you the best software recommendations in the world. That’s our promise and we will never swerve from our goals.

Due to our experience in the field, we can negotiate with many of the vendors to offer you the best possible deal. We have no sales targets, allowing us to offer unbiased advice.

Call us today @ 02246124444 for a free discussion about your software needs or visit our website softwarehunt.in . You can also email us at [email protected]
